10 Legitimate Ways To Make Money In Nigeria

Looking for legit income online and offline as a Nigerian. Here are some great ideas.

It is really pathetic to hear that a quarter of Nigerians are on the streets with no jobs. Even those who are employed are still complaining because their wages are meaningless.

Therefore, if you are a Nigerian still looking for a white-collar job, then you are not doing well for yourself. There are a couple of things that you can do other than your certificates and make money.

So what are you waiting for?

Join us as we talk about how you can make a living for yourself. Our discussion will not only concern the Nigerian unemployed, but also those in employment.

I suppose everyone doesn’t want their pockets to dry out. The more money you have, the more you meet your everyday economic requirements.

Let’s check it out.

Stuff You Can Do and Make Money in Nigeria

Here are a couple of ways to make money in Nigeria.

So it’s either you go online or you can venture into the actual clientele. Whichever one of them suits you best, you go for it. You do not have to go to an organization to submit a resume.

Make Legit Money Online

Today’s world is different. Technology has made things easier and faster.

From the comfort of your home, there’re ways you can pull in your cool money. All you need is a secured data connection to get started.

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Do not worry, we will list some online jobs you can do.

  • Sell Books Online

If you love to write books, novels, short stories, and other educational materials, know that you can make money selling them online. How is that possible?

Some websites venture into the publication of this educational material.

As a result, each time your published material is downloaded, you will be paid.

  • Trade Your Creativity for Money

Good news to you who are in creative digital conceptions. There are online platforms for you to upload and sell your creations to customers.

For instance, anytime you upload a design and then someone makes use of it, the company will pay you for using your design. Doesn’t that feel good?

In addition to these sites, other sites may award you contracts. A number of these contracts include graphics, animation, etc. Once you finish a contract, you get paid.

As a matter of fact, you’ll be interested to know that some of these websites are overseas. So you can picture yourself being paid in dollars or pounds.

  • Become a Blogger

It’s one of the coolest ways to make money online in Nigeria. The only hard work you accomplish here is finding information and sharing it online.

This information could be about news, policy, animals, comedies, and much more. You only need fascinating information. This way you’ll draw a lot of traffic on your block.

Once you’re done with the hard work of getting traffic on your block in the initial step, you’ll just relax while plenty of dollars multiply in your account.

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I think most Nigerians are familiar with the famous Nigerian blogger Linda Ikegi, who is really a role model in terms of blogging.

  • Sell Your Photos

Why wasting your time posting on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms when you can make money with your photos. There are certain websites available, you can upload your photo and get paid once someone wants to view your photos.

Before these sites opening your photos, license fees must be paid. As a result, you share 50/50 of the license fees with the company. An example of such a site you can check out is Foap.

I suppose this has sounded very interesting to you. If your pictures sell, you can make big bucks.

There are several online opportunities that you can grab out there and make your money without knocking on someone’s desk in search of jobs.

Now, to balance the two sides, let’s look at the alternative way of making money here in Nigeria.

Monetize Your Skills To Earn Offline

If you can’t do work online, your ability is already an asset that you can convert to money.

There are things you can venture out with bare hands to win a better life for yourself.

So don’t budge, because we’re showing you some of these legitimate ways of making fresh money in Nigeria.

  • Event Planner

Nigerians are well known for partying, especially the ones living in the city. You can make your money by managing events such as anniversaries, marriages, coronations, and so on.

All you do is figure out how to get in touch with customers. Setting out an office won’t be out of place.

  • Make Deliveries

We have many Nigerians who prefer to order merchandise online.

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That automatically makes it a business opportunity. You can open a small importing business by obtaining merchandise from abroad at a cheap price and deliver it to customers.

For those of you who don’t know, that’s what Amazon does worldwide. Making Jeff Bozos one of the richest people in the world.

So if someone can make billions of dollars from such a shipping company, what’s stopping you from doing that. This is a great chance for you to make your billion bucks.

  • Open an Eatery

As long as hunger still exists among humans, people will definitely require something to eat daily.

Consequently, the demand for food and drink will continue to become a daily issue. By setting up a restaurant, you’re already solving the problem.

You make money by solving the problem of hunger with the sale of various delicacies.

Restaurants have been booming enterprises for a long time now. If you can start one, you can bring in money. A restaurant in the city pays more compared to one in a rural setting.

So aim for cities in Nigeria and open your restaurant there.

  • Haulage Business

People will never cease traveling in Nigeria.

If you look at the population of Nigeria, you can see the need for more transportation businesses. So starting a transportation business in Nigeria can fetch you a tremendous amount of money you can never envisage.

All you need is to have dependable drivers who can manage the business for you. That’s if you cannot manage it yourself.

When we talk about legit ways of earning money in Nigeria, there’re a thousand and one of them. You just have to choose which one you can majorize in.

Afterward that, you give yourself a little time and you see how much you can fetch in those laid down opportunities.

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